Source code for streams.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains some utility functions for Streams.

You may wonder why do we need for such simple ``filter-*`` functions. The
reason is simple and this is about how :py:mod:`multiprocessing` and therefore
:py:class:`concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` works. It can't pickle
lambdas so we need for whole pickleable functions.


from six import PY3
from six import text_type
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from six.moves import zip as izip

    from cdecimal import Decimal
except ImportError:
    from decimal import Decimal

if PY3:
    long = int


[docs]def filter_keys(item): """ Returns first element of the tuple or ``item`` itself. :param object item: It can be tuple, list or just an object. >>> filter_keys(1) ... 1 >>> filter_keys((1, 2)) ... 1 """ if isinstance(item, tuple): return item[0] return item
[docs]def filter_values(item): """ Returns last element of the tuple or ``item`` itself. :param object item: It can be tuple, list or just an object. >>> filter_values(1) ... 1 >>> filter_values((1, 2)) ... 2 """ if isinstance(item, tuple): return item[-1] return item
[docs]def filter_true(argument): """ Return the predicate value of given item and the item itself. :param tuple argument: Argument consists of predicate function and item iteself. >>> filter_true((lambda x: x <= 5, 5)) ... True, 5 >>> filter_true((lambda x: x > 100, 1) ... False, 1 """ predicate, item = argument return bool(predicate(item)), item
[docs]def filter_false(argument): """ Opposite to :py:func:`streams.utils.filter_true` :param tuple argument: Argument consists of predicate function and item iteself. >>> filter_false((lambda x: x <= 5, 5)) ... False, 5 >>> filter_false((lambda x: x > 100, 1)) ... True, 1 """ is_correct, item = filter_true(argument) return not is_correct, item
# noinspection PyBroadException
[docs]def int_or_none(item): """ Tries to convert ``item`` to :py:func:`int`. If it is not possible, returns ``None``. :param object item: Element to convert into :py:func:`int`. >>> int_or_none(1) ... 1 >>> int_or_none("1") ... 1 >>> int_or_none("smth") ... None """ if isinstance(item, int): return item try: return int(item) except: return None
# noinspection PyBroadException
[docs]def float_or_none(item): """ Tries to convert ``item`` to :py:func:`float`. If it is not possible, returns ``None``. :param object item: Element to convert into :py:func:`float`. >>> float_or_none(1) ... 1.0 >>> float_or_none("1") ... 1.0 >>> float_or_none("smth") ... None """ if isinstance(item, float): return item try: return float(item) except: return None
# noinspection PyBroadException
[docs]def long_or_none(item): """ Tries to convert ``item`` to :py:func:`long`. If it is not possible, returns ``None``. :param object item: Element to convert into :py:func:`long`. >>> long_or_none(1) ... 1L >>> long_or_none("1") ... 1L >>> long_or_none("smth") ... None """ if isinstance(item, long): return item try: return long(item) except: return None
# noinspection PyBroadException
[docs]def decimal_or_none(item): """ Tries to convert ``item`` to :py:class:`decimal.Decimal`. If it is not possible, returns ``None``. :param object item: Element to convert into :py:class:`decimal.Decimal`. >>> decimal_or_none(1) ... Decimal("1") >>> decimal_or_none("1") ... Decimal("1") >>> decimal_or_none("smth") ... None """ if isinstance(item, Decimal): return item try: return Decimal(item) except: return None
# noinspection PyBroadException
[docs]def unicode_or_none(item): """ Tries to convert ``item`` to :py:func:`unicode`. If it is not possible, returns ``None``. :param object item: Element to convert into :py:func:`unicode`. >>> unicode_or_none(1) ... u"1" >>> unicode_or_none("1") ... u"1" >>> unicode_or_none("smth") ... u"smth" .. note:: This is relevant for Python 2 only. Python 3 will use native :py:func:`str`. """ if isinstance(item, text_type): return item try: return text_type(item) except: return None
[docs]def apply_to_tuple(*funcs, **kwargs): """ Applies several functions to one ``item`` and returns tuple of results. :param list func: The list of functions we need to apply. :param dict kwargs: Keyword arguments with only one mandatory argument, ``item``. Functions would be applied to this item. >>> apply_to_tuple(int, float, item="1") ... (1, 1.0) """ item = kwargs["item"] if not isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): return funcs[0](item) result = [] for func, arg in izip(funcs, item): if func is not None: arg = func(arg) result.append(arg) return tuple(result)
[docs]def key_mapper(argument): """ Maps ``predicate`` only to key (first element) of a ``item``. If ``item`` is not :py:func:`tuple` then tuplifies it first. :param tuple argument: The tuple of (``predicate`` and ``item``). >>> key_mapper((lambda x: x + 10, (1, 2))) ... (11, 2) """ predicate, item = argument item = item if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)) else (item, item) return apply_to_tuple(predicate, None, item=item)
[docs]def value_mapper(argument): """ Maps ``predicate`` only to value (last element) of a ``item``. If ``item`` is not :py:func:`tuple` then tuplifies it first. :param tuple argument: The tuple of (``predicate`` and ``item``). >>> value_mapper((lambda x: x + 10, (1, 2))) ... (1, 12) """ predicate, item = argument item = item if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)) else (item, item) return apply_to_tuple(None, predicate, item=item)
[docs]def make_list(iterable): """ Makes a list from given ``iterable``. But won't create new one if ``iterable`` is a :py:func:`list` or :py:func:`tuple` itself. :param Iterable iterable: Some iterable entity we need to convert into :py:func:`list`. """ if isinstance(iterable, (list, tuple)): return iterable return list(iterable)
[docs]class MaxHeapItem(object): """ This is small wrapper around item to give it a possibility to use heaps from :py:mod:`heapq` as max-heaps. Unfortunately this module provides min-heaps only. Guys, come on. We need for max-heaps to. """ __slots__ = "value", def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __lt__(self, other): other = other.value if isinstance(other, MaxHeapItem) else other return self.value > other def __le__(self, other): other = other.value if isinstance(other, MaxHeapItem) else other return self.value >= other.value def __gt__(self, other): other = other.value if isinstance(other, MaxHeapItem) else other return self.value < other def __ge__(self, other): other = other.value if isinstance(other, MaxHeapItem) else other return self.value <= other def __eq__(self, other): other = other.value if isinstance(other, MaxHeapItem) else other return self.value == other def __ne__(self, other): other = other.value if isinstance(other, MaxHeapItem) else other return self.value != other def __cmp__(self, other): other = other.value if isinstance(other, MaxHeapItem) else other if self.value < other: return 1 if self.value == other: return 0 return -1 def __repr__(self): return repr(self.value) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.value) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.value)